Pinterest Bots/Scripts List

Here is the list of our blog's bots and scripts:


-   Pinterest Image Scraper/Uploader Bot

-   Pinterst Follow Imacros Script

What is?
iMacros is a program based application for large scale recording, altering and playback for web mechanization and testing. It is given as an independent application and augmentations for the Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Web Voyager internet browsers. 
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Created by iOpus/Ipswitch, It includes record and replay usefulness like that found in web testing and structure filler software. Here! The macros can be joined and controlled by means of JavaScript. Demo macros and JavaScript code models are incorporated with the product. Running carefully JavaScript based macros were evacuated in later forms of iMacros program augmentations. Be that as it may, clients can utilize elective program like Pale Moon, in view of more established variant of Mozilla Firefox to utilize JavaScript records for online mechanized testing with Moon Analyzer Device.

Pinterest Scraper/Uploader Bot

Presenting... Pinner Pinner Chicken Dinner!

What you can do with PPCD:
- Scrape any category for pins and reupload them, providing you with TARGETED TRAFFIC

- Manage persistent pin templates; once you're set up, you can roll your campaign out every day!

- Reupload the newest, most popular pins to drive traffic

- Blast your own original pins ALL OVER PINTEREST

- Customize your wait time range for randomized delays for REAL HUMAN APPEARANCE with NO FOOTPRINT

- Pin as fast or as slow as you like: over 1000 pins per hour!

Download Here: Click Here

Virus Scan: Click Here

Pinterest follower Imacros script

So, everybody know the most easiest way to get pinterest followers, is to follow them. They will follow back. There are some limits, you can follow 200 people per day on pinterest, and you must make some breaks between follows, because pinterest will catch you and delete your account. It can be boring, if you follow people by hand, so we can use bots to follow other tumblrs.
You can pay for expensive bots, but there are free opinions too. You can use iMacro script to get that work finished. I have a script code:
Download iMacros: (go to download page, at bottom there are free versions for all browser)
Change the timeout around 10-20-30 sec, to make it saftier. This is a very good and free way to get around 1000 followers by 2 weeks or less, but always be careful.